Sutton Scarsdale Hall

This Georgian pile sits atop a hill on the opposite side of the valley to Bolsover castle. This is actually the back, west facing side. In a morning particularly, the east facing facade looks very impressive from the M1. Built in 1724 for the Earl of Scarsdale, it was later bought by Richard Arkwright junior, son of Sir Richard Arkwright, 'father of the modern idustrial factory system.' Okay enough of the boring history stuff, but the point is it was eventually inherited by Sir Richard's great great grandson Francis Arkwright who decided after six years in the House of Commons, enough was enough and in 1882 emigrated to New Zealand


  1. I was interested as to how it ended up in that state. I'd assumed a fire, but according to Wikipedia: "After many years of neglect, in November 1919 the estate was bought by a group of local businessmen who asset-stripped the house; this went as far as removing the roof in 1920. Some parts of the building were shipped to the United States, where one room's oak panelling was bought by newspaper baron William Randolph Hearst, who planned to use it at Hearst Castle. After many years in storage in New York City, Pall Mall films bought the panelling for use as a set in their various 1950s productions. Another set of panels are now resident in the Philadelphia Museum of Art."

  2. There's certainly a fair bit of history involved if you're that way inclined.


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